What is Victory?
Many minds, many thoughts, many views…
Is victory something like getting what we want, at some cost we can afford it? Sometimes it feels that no cost is too big to get what we want to win over. But this is not true.
To a slave country, victory could mean getting freedom. On the other hand, to an independent country, victory could mean success, financial or otherwise. Victory, I guess, is just a state of mind, post achievement of an effort, and unfortunately, this state of mind does not last too long.
It could be a small daily life event, or a life changing situation; to fight it out and to come successful is one of the most witnessed ways to be victorious.
Victory could also be coming out as a survivor from a tough condition. Survival too is a form of victory. Survival of the self, in spite of not being the best, (in contradiction to the survival of the fittest theory) , is also a victory in its own sense.
Sometimes, winning over the self is also a victory. The fight within self, not to enter a war, not to be a part of the race, the fight to make oneself sit tight and not to take a plunge , is also a victory. It is a victory of the self, and is the most selfless kinds.
To me, victory is always relative to the endeavor one undertakes, to achieve a certain state of mind, whose desire has driven the mind into action towards an achievement.
Seems like, Victory over the self is what goes the longest way, and surpasses the smallness of the time span of happiness of victories over others.
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