The more than half empty glass
I am noticing the glass being less than half now, and receding level is going down every time I see it. It looks like it is more than half empty now. Feels like the sand in the hourglass is slipping in the lower cup with an increased pulse beat.
Pessimism looks more like realism to me. I guess, whenever words like ' All would be O.K.' come out of my mouth by habit, my ears shrug in disbelief. My eyes open wide and question my mind.
Just like everything, is this just a passing phase, or this is the final phase,I have no idea. Looks like I have seen everything in life, and just have to live by the rest of the days, months or years, gaping at the nothingness I have created for myself.
I guess I wanted too much from life, and life gave it to me -Too much to think about.
I gulped the happiness in the glasses, and made it further empty for me. And now. the nothingness in the glass of life is overpowering the something left in the glass.