The blinkers are on.... They are sending me signals...
The next turn does not seem very far now. And it seems to be a right turn.
Right turn, that hopefully will take me to the right direction.
Guess it cannot be a left turn anymore ever in life. On left, its the heart, which has already chosen it way. So my left turns will lead my right turns in life.
Life was on a cruise gear till now, since almost an year and a half, or so; but something inside tells me that I must move from the auto speed mode to manual gears of life. It seems that the control that I had set to autopilot looking at the smooth terrain ahead, is not working well. The terrain is getting bumpy and every now n then, i see split ways. Being on autopilot, I used to get the engine of my mind decide to take the way it likes, and the mind chooses to decide the one that was less traveled before. So, choosing a rarely traveled way does make me spend more time, with more patience, to find the right path to the illusive destination.
By and far, I have seen that most people choose the tried and tested ways, and reach their destinations faster. But in the process, they just happen to miss the joy of discovery of so many unseen events, emotions and the time spend admiring the amazing ways of life itself. People who zoom by the speedy roads often reach faster, and achieve a lot, and then stand and wonder – What Now!.. What Next ?... and then they spend their lives looking into memory albums of others who took the rare paths.
A billionaire may feel the joy to buy a painting by Leonardo-d-vinci, but he would never be able to enjoy the way those hands painted it. The joy of rare experiences is a joy in itself, which the faster racers would never know. They can only reach earlier, and then look for another race to start.
So, I am thinking to change my mode from autopilot and get the control in my hand. Hopefully, it keeps me happy as I am today, yet make me successful, to get more happiness.
Success will only be a milestone for me.
Destination is still the same, and as illusive as it has always been.
I am far ahead on the way I am moving, and I have learned one thing very well ....
Life may have hundreds of twists and turns,, but it never has any U turns.